Gift Certificates are a Perfect way to share the Healing!

Gift a session to a loved one anytime.

 Pay it forward — Don’t you want EVERYONE to experience this?!

Give an anonymous gift of healing to someone who may not be able to afford it. Please consider donating a session to single moms, low-income people, caregivers, people in recovery, teachers, or anyone who has been treated unfairly.

Here’s one of many stories of happy recipients of your donations:


“Tonia Lach has hands that have eyes. Her hands see where knots and blocks are and proceed to speak their language to them, getting the knots and blocks to reveal the secrets of their becoming: the trauma, the despair, the fear; and reveal their longing to be free. It is this very communion that sets my body free from the trapped energy of pain and suffering that became my new norm after my near-fatal car accident.

Tonia's hands helped me to want to come back into my broken body. There was absolutely not one place on my body that was not in excruciating pain. Tonia spoke to each part and helped me to understand what was going on; helped me make peace with my body so that I could trust me again; trust life...again. For to have Tonia's hands committed to my healing is to have the very presence of the divine pouring through her hands to make sure I know how much I am so loved. For me, there is no greater gift than this.I am so blessed to have been gifted these healing and restorative sessions by the generous heart of Tonia. She came to my home and worked with all of the constraints and transformed my home into a spa. My accident has left me unable to work and afford her very reasonable prices. I pray that she may have a special fund to be able to serve others like me who truly need Tonia's gifts and are unable to afford her services. I will joyfully and gratefully contribute to it upon my return to work.

Thank you Tonia for being a magnificent instrument of the Divine! You are proof that God is love!”

Blessings and Gratitude, Anyusaya